Photo and video viewer with unique features        View in Web Store  View in Microsoft Store

Most popular feature in beta testing:
  -Generate random time indexes for each video when loaded resulting in different content each time you watch the video
  -This mode is also good for those with ADHD as it allows you to quickly watch a longer movie with random skips

Features coming soon: Show different videos or images on multiple monitors all controlled by the one keyboard.
Website coming soon to share .slt index files with others.

-View media by keywords; also exclude keywords
-View media by date(s)

-Mark favorite sections in videos and save them as a Sequence Linear Time (.slt) file)
-Mark custom section to repeat in a video
-Generate random skip indexes for videos
-ADHD video mode : play video for specified number of seconds then skip to the next video and repeat
-Keyboard hot keys such as configurable skip forward / back for videos
-4 videos on single screen option (64bit only)

-Viewing images is in a slideshow
-Default image viewer mode will show two images if aspect is different (eg. monitor is landscape, 2 portrait images will be shown)
-Alt image viewer Rotate Mode will rotate image to monitor aspect
-Alt image viewer Aspect Mode will only show images that are the same aspect as the monitor
-Images can be zoomed

-Play separate audio track when viewing images or video

-Uses video codecs installed in Windows

-Can be set as default player for videos


Can be used offline but must connect at least once every 14 days to retrieve licensing data.
No data is cached or transmitted outside the app. App is certified by the Microsoft Windows Store.


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